Thanh Huy Nguyen, Ph.D.

Definition 1.1. Uncertainty quantification is the science of quantitative characterization and reduction of uncertainties in both computational and real-world applications. It tries to determine how likely certain outcomes are if some aspects of the system are not exactly known. *Asch, M., Bocquet, M., & Nodet, M. (2016). Data assimilation: methods, algorithms, and applications. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.*

Current position:

Research Scientist at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Esch-sur-Alzette Lu

Alma mater:

  • Université Laval Fr (Ph.D.)
  • IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire Fr (Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Eng.)

Office: 41 Rue du Brill, 4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg

Email address:

Work timeline/News:


  • September 9th - 13th, 2024: I am invited to give a talk at 4th Vietnam School of Earth Observation (VSEO-4) in Quy Nhon, Vietnam Vn.
  • July 15th, 2024: journal paper “Chained Hydrologic-hydraulic for Flood Modeling by Assimilating SAR-derived Flood Extent and FFSAR-Processed Altimetry Data” has been submitted to the Journal of Hydrology. The preprint version can be found in Publication page.
  • July 8th - 12th, 2024: oral presentations at IEEE IGARSS 2024 in Athens, Greece US
  • April 30th, 2024: journal paper “Remote Sensing Data Assimilation with a Chained Hydrologic-hydraulic Model for Flood Forecasting” has been submitted to the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE JSTARS). The preprint version can be found in Publication page.
  • April 22nd - 28th, 2024: oral & poster presentations at 2024 EGU General Assembly in Vienna Austria, session Real-time Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems: Data Analytics, Modelling, and Applications, and Water Level, Storage and Discharge from Remote Sensing and Assimilation in Hydrodynamic Models.
  • March 2024: four abstracts have been accepted for presentations (3 orals, 1 poster) at IEEE IGARSS 2024 in Athens, Greece US
    • Assimilation of SWOT Altimetry and Sentinel-1 Flood Extent Observations for Flood Reanalysis - A Proof-of-Concept (first-authored),
    • Early Flood Warning Using Satellite-derived Convective System and Precipitation Data - A Retrospective Case Study of Central Vietnam (co-first authored),
    • Drought Monitoring in Luxembourg and the Greater Region using Hydrological modelling and Satellite Data (co-first authored),
    • The SCO-FLOODDAM Project: A Pre-operational Demonstrator for Flood Detection, Mapping, Prediction and Risk Impact Assessment (co-authored).
  • March 2024: two abstracts have been accepted for presentations (1 oral, 1 poster) at 2024 EGU General Assembly in Vienna Austria
    • Towards Digital Twin in Global Flood Forecasting - A Proof-of-Concept in Severn Catchment and Alzette Catchment
    • Merits of Data Assimilation on Improving Flood Forecasting - A case study of Ohio Cannelton-Newburgh
  • January 2024: PhD opportunity at LIST, to start in Q1 2024 (link). Position filled
  • January 2024: five IGARSS abstract submissions (two first-authored), two EGU abstract submissions (both first-authored)


  • December 20th, 2023: announcing 2024 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest (DFC) - Flood Rapid Mapping, in collaboration with CNES and NASA. [Link to the contest]. Submission date: January 08, 2024 to May 25, 2024.
  • November 27th - December 1st, 2023: two poster presentations at HYDROSPACE 2023 conference in Lisbon It
  • November 2023: the journal paper “Gaussian Anamorphosis for Ensemble Kalman Filter Analysis of SAR-Derived Wet Surface Ratio Observations” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE TGRS. The preprint version can be found in Publication page.
  • November 15th, 2023: started working at LIST. Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department, Environmental Sensing and Modelling (ENVISION) research unit.
  • Travel: FrLu
  • October 2023: a co-authored contribution has been invited for an oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA US
  • September 2023: proposed a session entitled “Improving Flood Forecasting and Impact Assessment using Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Data and Data Assimilation in Hydrodynamics” at 2024 EGU General Assembly in Vienna Austria.
  • August 2023: abstract “Merits of Assimilating SWOT Altimetry and Sentinel-1-derived flood extent Observations for Flood Forecasting - A Proof-of-Concept” has been accepted for a poster presentation HYDROSPACE 2023 conference in Lisbon It
  • August 2023: three abstracts (one first-authored) have been accepted for oral/poster presentations at 2023 TELEMAC User Conference (TUC2023) in Karlsruhe De
    • Flood Forecast with Chained Hydrologic-Hydraulic Modeling and Data Assimilation (first-authored, oral),
    • Front Type Implementation for Flood Extent and Flood Modelling Image Assimilation (co-authored, oral),
    • Integrate New In-situ, Airborne and Spaceborne Data to Improve River Floods Modeling (co-authored, poster).
  • July 16th - 21st, 2023: oral presentations at IEEE IGARSS 2023 conference, Pasadena, CA US
  • July 17th, 2023: seminar and meeting at NASA JPL, Pasadena, CA US
  • July 13th-15rd, 2023: attendee at the IEEE GRSS-USC MHI 2023 Remote Sensing Summer School, USC, Los Angeles, CA US
  • June 19th-23rd, 2023: attendee at the POLINSAR-BIOMASS 2023, Toulouse Fr
  • May 24th - 25th, 2023: gave a talk at Séminaire Inter-organismes Hydrologie Spatiale about “On the Merits of Earth Observation Data for Hydrology and Flood Forecasting With Hydrodynamic Models” in Montpellier Fr
  • May 2023: three abstracts have been accepted for oral/poster presentations at Colloque SHF in Toulouse Fr
    • Improving Flood Forecasting Capability With a Chained Hydrological-hydraulic Model and Remote Sensing Data Assimilation (first-authored, oral),
    • SAR Data Assimilation as Front-like Data for Flood Prediction (co-authored, poster),
    • The SCO-FLOODDAM Project: Towards a Digital Twin for Flood Detection,Prediction and Flood Risk Assessments (co-authored, poster).
  • April 22nd - 28th, 2023: oral presentation at 2023 EGU General Assembly in Vienna Austria, session Water Level, Storage and Discharge from Remote Sensing and Assimilation in Hydrodynamic Models.
  • April 19th, 2023: CLUC talk at GLOBC seminar
  • April 2023: three abstracts have been accepted for oral presentations at IEEE IGARSS 2023 in Pasadena, CA US
    • Dealing With Non-Gaussianity of SAR-derived Wet Surface Ratio for Flood Extent Representation Improvement (first-authored),
    • Reducing Uncertainties of a Chained Hydrologic-hydraulic Models to Improve Flood Extent Representation Using Multi-source Earth Observation Data (first-authored),
    • The SCO-FLOODDAM Project: Towards a Digital Twin for Flood Detection, Prediction and Flood Risk Assessments (co-authored).
  • March 2023: an abstract “Comparisons and water level analyses using Sentinel-6MF satellite altimetry data with 1D Mascaret and 2D Telemac models” has been accepted for an oral presentation at 2023 EGU General Assembly in Vienna Austria, session Water Level, Storage and Discharge from Remote Sensing and Assimilation in Hydrodynamic Models.
  • February 2023: PhD opportunity at CERFACS, funded by CNES, to start in September/October 2023 (link). Submission deadline: March 16, 2023. Position filled
  • January 2021: journal paper “Gaussian Anamorphosis for Ensemble Kalman Filter Analysis of SAR-Derived Wet Surface Ratio Observations” has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IEEE TGRS). Preprint can be found at [arXiv].
  • January 2023: paper “Assimilation of SAR-Derived Flood Observations for Improving Fluvial Flood Forecast - A Proof-of-concept” presented at HIC 2022 has been published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Proceeding can be found in Publication page.
  • January 2023: three IGARSS abstract submissions (two first-authored), one EGU abstract submissions (first-authored), and three Colloque SHF (one first-authored) abstract submissions.


  • December 12th - 16th, 2022: oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago, IL US, session Data Driven Approaches for Flood Observation, Model Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification.
  • December 5th - 6th, 2022: attendee at a 2-day TELEMAC training course.
  • November 2022: journal paper “Dual State-Parameter Assimilation of SAR-derived Wet Surface Ratio for Improving Fluvial Flood Reanalysis” has been accepted for publication in AGU Water Resources Research. Full paper can be found here.
  • October 18th - 19th, 2022: oral presentation at TELEMAC User Conference TUC 2022 in Saclay (Île-de-France) Fr
  • October 2022: two abstracts have been accepted for an oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago, IL US
    • A Multi-Agency Collaboration Digital Twin for Flood Prediction and Analysis (co-authored).
    • Uncertainty Reduction in Fluvial Flood Re-analysis by Assimilating SAR-derived Flood Extent Maps (first-authored).
  • September 2022: an abstract “Enhancing flood forecasting with dual state-parameter estimation and SAR-data ensemble based assimilation” has been accepted for an oral presentation at 2022 TELEMAC User Conference (TUC2022) in Paris-Saclay Fr
  • July 2022: Job opportunity in Hydrodynamic modelling at CERFACS, to start in September 2022 (link). Application deadline: September 1, 2022. Position filled
  • July 4th - 8th, 2022: oral presentation at Hydroinformatics Conference HIC 2022 in Bucharest Ru
  • July 2022: journal paper “Dual State-Parameter Assimilation of SAR-derived Wet Surface Ratio for Improving Fluvial Flood Reanalysis” has been submitted to the AGU Water Resources Research. The preprint version can be found in Publication page.
  • June 21st, 2022: project SCO-FloodDAM-DigitalTwin kick-off.
  • May 23rd - 27th, 2022: poster presentation at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022 in Bonn De
  • May 11th - 12th, 2022: gave a talk at Telemac Scientific Committee Meeting about “Observing Floods from Space” in Chatou, Ile-de-France Fr
  • April 20th, 2022: CLUC talk at GLOBC seminar
  • April 2022: paper “Assimilation of SAR-Derived Flood Observations for Improving Fluvial Flood Forecast” accepted for an oral presentation at Hydroinformatics Conference HIC 2022 in Bucharest Ru
  • March 2022: an abstract “Assimilation of SAR-Derived Flood Maps for Improving Fluvial Flood Forecast” has been accepted for a poster presentation at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022 in Bonn De
  • January 2022: the journal paper “Improvement of Flood Extent Representation with Remote Sensing Data and Data Assimilation” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE TGRS. The preprint version can be found in Publication page.
  • January 2022: PhD opportunity at CERFACS, funded by CNES and CLS, to start in September 2022 (link). Submission deadline: March 31, 2022. Position filled


  • December 13th - 17th, 2021: oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, LA US, session Remote Sensing of Rivers, Lakes, Reservoirs, and Wetlands.

  • November 2021: Master (M2) internship offer on “Assimilation of remote sensing flood extend for flood and inundation forecasting” [link] with possible PhD opportunity. Position filled
  • October 13th - 15th, 2021: oral presentation at 2021 TELEMAC User Conference, Antwerp Be. Proceeding can be found in Publication page.
  • October 2021: abstract “Assessing and Improving Fluvial Flood Forecast Performance Using Sentinel-1 Derived Flood Extent Maps” has been accepted for an oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, LA US
  • September 2021: journal paper “Improvement of Flood Extent Representation with Remote Sensing Data and Data Assimilation” has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IEEE TGRS). Preprint can be found at [arXiv].
  • July 2021: paper “Validation and Improvement of Data Assimilation for Flood Hydrodynamic Modelling Using SAR Imagery Data” has been accepted for an oral presentation at 2021 TELEMAC User Conference (TUC2021) in Antwerp Be
  • June 22nd - 24th, 2021: attendee at the Data Science for Copernicus training workshop, organized by IDGEO.
  • June 16th - 18th, 2021: attendee at the SimHydro 2021, Nice Fr
  • June 7th - 11th, 2021: poster presentation at HYDROSPACE-GEOGloWS 2021 conference, Frascati (Rome) It
  • May 24th - 28th 2021: attendee at the AGU Natural Hazard Alert Workshop.
  • May 2021: abstract “Adding Earth Observation-based Virtual Observations to Improve Data Assimilation for Fluvial Flood Forecasting - Example of the Garonne Marmandaise Catchment” has been accepted for a poster presentation HYDROSPACE-GEOGloWS 2021 conference in Frascati (Rome) It
  • March 2021: co-authored paper “The SCO-FloodDAM Project: New Observing Strategies for Flood Detection, Alert and Rapid Mapping” has been accepted for an oral presentation at IEEE IGARSS 2021 conference in Brussel Be
  • March 16th - 18th 2021: attendee at the Joint IS-ENES3/ESiWACE2 Virtual Workshop on New Opportunities for ML and AI in Weather and Climate Modelling
  • March 9th - 10th 2021: participated in the CERFACS GLOBC (Climate Modeling and Global Change) Seminar.
  • February 12th 2021: presented PhD and Postdoc works for FloodDAM/AI4GEO partners (CNES, CERFACS, ONERA, CLS).


  • December 14th 2020: started working at CERFACS funded by CNES (Toulouse, France), in the SCO-FloodDAM project. Team Climate modeling and Global change (GLOBC), CNRS UMR 5318 Climate, Environment, Coupling, Uncertainties (CECI).
  • Travel: CaFr
  • December 9th 2020: Ph.D. thesis final submission/deposit.
  • December 4th 2020: successful PhD thesis defense before the jury. The thesis jury is composed of Prof. Emer. Jean-Paul Haton (Univ. Lorraine), Prof. Jocelyn Chanussot (Grenoble INP), Prof. Denis Laurendeau (Univ. Laval), Prof. Sylvie Daniel (Univ. Laval), Prof. Jean-Marc Le Caillec (IMT Atlantique), and Dr. Frédéric Maussang (IMT Atlantique).
  • November 25th - 28th 2020: attendee at the International Conference on 3D Vision.
  • October 19th - November 27th: working on the R2Sonic Challenges Project, theme: Suspended Sediments, under a short-term contract.
  • October 16th - December 10th 2020: attendee at the 2020 IEEE GRSS and ISPRS - Young Professionals & Student Consortium Summer School (link).
  • September 26th - October 2nd 2020: attendee and session manager at IEEE IGARSS 2020.
  • September 2020: Ph.D. thesis initial submission/deposit.
  • August 31st - September 2nd 2020: attendee at the Virtual Event of XXIV ISPRS Congress.
  • June 2020: started collaborating and writing a journal manuscript focusing on a Comprehensive Comparison of Building Extraction Methods.
  • May 2020: the two journal papers have been published and are now available online:
    • Super-Resolution-based Snake Model — An Unsupervised Method for Large-Scale Building Extraction using Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Image, in Remote Sensing [link]
    • Coarse-to-Fine Registration of Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Imagery on Urban Scenes, in the IEEE JSTARS [link]
  • May 2020: the journal paper “Super-Resolution-based Snake Model — An Unsupervised Method for Large-Scale Building Extraction using Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Image” has been accepted for publication in the Remote Sensing MDPI. The preprint version can be found in Publication page. The results are made publicly at the Github page.
  • May 4th - 8th 2020: attendee at the IEEE ICASSP 2020 virtual conference.
  • April 26th: attendee at the AI4Earth workshop of the IEEE ICLR2020 virtual conference.
  • April 2020: journal paper “Super-Resolution-based Snake Model — An Unsupervised Method for Large-Scale Building Extraction using Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Image” has been submitted to the MDPI Remote Sensing.
  • April 2020: the journal paper “Coarse-to-Fine Registration of Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Imagery on Urban Scenes” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE JSTARS. The preprint version can be found in Publication page.
  • January 2020: journal paper “Coarse-to-Fine Registration of Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Imagery on Urban Scenes” has been submitted to the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE JSTARS).


  • November 2019: started writing a journal manuscript focusing on Building Extraction using LiDAR Data and Optical Image.
  • Undergrad internship offer on “Estimation of suspended sediment concentration using R2Sonic sonar”. Position filled
  • October 2019: side project participating in the R2Sonic Multispectral Water Column Challenge with a team from SCG/Université Laval (PI: Prof. S. Daniel). Target theme: Estimation of suspended sediment concentration in Diamond Creek area, Colorado river, Arizona, USA. Update 1 (April 2020): the contests have been extended until spring 2021 due to COVID-19. Update 2 (October 2020): this project has been resumed as a main project. Update 3 (December 2020): a preliminary proposal has been produced in December 2020.
  • Began an 11-month working period at Université Laval.
  • Travel: FrCa
  • Best Poster Award at PIA19+MRSS19 conference
  • September 18th - 20th, 2019: poster presentation at ISPRS PIA19+MRSS19 conference, Munich De
  • July 28th - August 2nd, 2019: oral presentation at IEEE IGARSS 2019 conference, Yokohama Jp
  • June 2019: paper “Unsupervised Automatic Building Extraction Using Active Contour Model on Unregistered Optical Imagery and Airborne LiDAR Data” has been accepted for a presentation at ISPRS Conference on Photogrammetric Image Analysis (PIA) 2019 in Munich De
  • April/May 2019: started writing a journal manuscript focusing on the registration of Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Imagery on Urban Scenes, for the full study including the IGARSS paper.
  • April 2019: obtained the IEEE GRSS Travel Grant supporting my attendance at the IGARSS 2019 in Yokohama.
  • April 2019: paper “Robust Building-based Registration of Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Imagery on Urban Scenes” has been accepted for an oral presentation at IEEE IGARSS 2019 conference in Yokohama Jp
  • March 29th, 2019: oral presentation in the PRASYS (LabSTICC/CID) research team seminar.
  • March 14th, 2019: participated in Open Forum animation on Marine Image Processing and Analysis, Brest-Iroise Technopole, organized by Campus Mondiale de la Mer (link).
  • February 11th - 13th, 2019: participated in a 3-day training programme on pedagogy and teaching activities for Ph.D. students, Rennes.
  • February 6th, 2019: attendee at the workshop IA & Climat-Océan-Atmosphère, Rennes, organized within action MANU (Méthodes Mathématiques et Numériques) of programme LEFE and PNTS from CNRS/INSU.
  • Began a 9-month working period at IMT Atlantique from January 2019.
  • Travel: CaFr


  • November 19th, 2018: attended Journée SIG Université Laval.
  • June 2018: an oral presentation has been accepted for MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2018, Charleston, North Carolina.
  • June 13th, 2018: poster presentation at the Symposium of the Centre for Research in Geomatics (CRG), Université Laval (link).
  • May 31st, 2018: participating in Soirée Champlain 2018, organized by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics.
  • Began an 8-month working period at Université Laval.
  • May 2018: received the Scholarship of success (Bourse de réussite) from FFGG/Université Laval for completing the doctorate exams.
  • Travel: FrCa
  • April 17th - 18th, 2018: doctorate exams (both writing and oral) at IMT Atlantique.


  • September 18th - 21st, 2017: poster presentation at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2017 conference, Anchorage, AK US
  • Began an 8-month working period at IMT Atlantique.
  • Travel: CaFr
  • June 2017: finalist for the IEEE OES Student Poster Competition at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2017 Anchorage.
  • June 2017: paper “Heterogeneous Data Registration for 3D Underwater Scene Reconstruction” has been accepted for a presentation at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2017 conference in Anchorage, AK US
  • May 2017: completed the Ph.D. courseworks at Université Laval.
  • January 2017: began working at Université Laval.
  • Travel: FrCa
  • (Since January 1st, 2017: two graduate schools Telecom Bretagne and Mines Nantes were merged to become IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire.)


  • October 2016: began working as a Ph.D. student at Telecom Bretagne and Université Laval.
  • September 2016: successful M.Eng. and M.Sc. defense before the jury at Telecom Bretagne. Note: 17.5/20 (highest note).
  • July 2016: completed the Pepper training program at SoftBank Robotics, Paris Fr
  • March - September 2016: graduate internship at Orange France DTSI/DSI, Arcueil, Île-de-France.
  • October 19th - 22nd, 2015: poster presentation at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 conference, Washington D.C. US
  • October 2015: enrolled for M.Sc. program at Telecom Bretagne (in parallel with the final year of my M.Eng. program).
  • July 2015: finalist in the IEEE OES Student Poster Competition at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 Washington DC.
  • July 2015: paper “Correlation bias analysis – A novel method of sinus cardinal model for least squares estimation in cross-correlation” has been accepted for a presentation at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 conference in Washington DC.
  • March - September 2015: internship at ECA Robotics (Brest).
  • September 2014 - March 2015: internship at Thales Underwater Systems (Brest).
  • August 2013: began the M.Eng. programm et Telecom Bretagne, Brest Fr. Grant: Telecom Scholarship of Excellence funded by Telecom Foundation (Institut Mines-Telecom).
  • Travel: VnFr

2013 and before

  • September 2009 - August 2013: undergrad student at HCMC University of Technology, program PFIEV. Major in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.